April 15, 2015

Power Full

Power Full
Z. Hall

Power Full [Title]

I can love you
beyond your faults
your weaknesses
are but footnotes
on whistling wind,
your secrete insecurities
silenced for eternity

your imperfections
are fine art
your mistakes
memories faded
in gesso

this is honest & real
my friend

truer than indigo
stronger than graphene
solid as oak
hewn in blood
sweat and
fear not
the crevices of culture
tradition, time or space

transcendence is at our
beck and call

say the word
just say the word

I fear not death, I am
director of its procession
conductor of all preceding it
I refuse to die
of internal bleeding

love me,  in return
fully, in complete knowledge
of me

that what is
common in me
with the morning dew

the scorching heat
of your absence
is the sole burden
I cannot bear
© Z. Hall, 2015

Cassandra Wilson, 'Solomon Sang,' Jazz

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